Event Information:

A Christ centered retreat for the whole family. The CFO day is built on the belief that just as we breathe in and breathe out each day, our relationship with God should also be a time of taking in and giving out. Therefore, the CFO day includes a mixture of creative listening (taking in) and expression (expressing outward). From prayer groups to free time, each day offers you the chance to stretch and exercise your faith in new and refreshing ways.

$300 Discount available: 1st-time attendee, age 13+, Max 2 per family.
Location:Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center, 39034 County Road 452, Leesburg, FL 34788
Start Date: 2021-06-13
Start Time: 05:00 pm
End Date: 2021-06-19
End Time: 12:00 pm
Organizer: CFO North America
Phone: (607) 535-4415
Website: http://www.floridafamilycfo.com/